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Meeting Attendance System




MAS Meeting Attendance System is developed on BTEPS platform to monitor the user meeting attendance status in real time. On the Meeting
monitoring menu, it will display the attendance count, present count, absent count and the latest present user name and photo.
MAS Meeting Attendance System is sharing the same database as DAS Door Access Management System, all meeting user information and
clocking device is added in DAS management system. From the dedicated meeting clocking point, MAS system will receive the clocking record
from CC command center and filter on those valid record as meeting attendance.
When the system has assigned users for a particular meeting, all these user must clocking on the specific point within a specific
time. Able to assign the operator meeting monitoring right based on the meeting type and location.

Meeting, Group and Location
MAS Meeting Attendance System can create multiple meeting. Every meeting include the following information: Meeting Name, Meeting
Type, Meeting Title, Meeting Logo, Meeting Start and End Time, Reporting Start Time, Reporting End Time, Meeting Ending Clock Out Time, Leave
Application Ending Time and Meeting Location.
MAS Meeting Attendance System able to separately display the current day meeting, historical meeting and schedule meeting list. Through
meeting location and type assignment, different operator login can only monitor different meeting.
Able to group a particular meeting attendees into a meeting group or create a new meeting group, this can facilitate rapid assigning of a batch
of user to a particular meeting and not individually. MAS system support batch assignment of meeting attendees by department or meeting group
and based on user definable field query criteria is also supported. Able to base on User ID, Name or Card to query user to assign a particular


Meeting Monitoring
MAS System monitoring support the following function:
(1) Display the attendee information in real time include name and photo.
(2) Display the latest attendee photo information, scrolling from left to right.
(3) Display the current meeting register user count, present and absent user
count in real time.
(4) Display the current meeting absent user list.
(5) Able to modify the meeting header font type, size and color.
(6) Handle the report late and early dismiss user clocking record.
(7) During meeting period, even system restart will not affect the current
meeting process accuracy.
Meeting Report Process and Query
(1) Query and print out report on a particular meeting register
user count, present user count and percentage, absent
user count and percentage.
(2) Query and print out report on a particular meeting absentee
detail information.
(3) Query and print out report on a particular meeting apply
leave and early dismiss user detail information.
(4) Process statistic of user meeting attendance status within a
particular period.




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